Current & past jobs

Current position : HPC Engineer at
Qubit Pharmaceuticals

Since November 2020 I am working at Qubit Pharmaceuticals as a HPC Engineer ; I am working on optimizing and extending the Atlas software Platform, which allows the calculation of absolute free binding energy of molecules with the highest accuracy.

Qubit Pharmaceuticals

Engineer at INRIA Paris

From December 2018 to October 2020 I worked as a Research Engineer at Inria Paris, as a member of the SERENA Team (Simulation for the Environment: Reliable and Efficient Numerical Algorithms) : I am developing, in a joint work with Géraldine Pichot and Alexandre Ern, a Hybrid High Order (HHO) method for the simulation of flow in large tridimensional Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN).


Postdoc (ENPC)

From December 1 st 2016 to November 30 th 2018 I worked as Postdoc researcher at Ecole des Ponts – ParisTech, CERMICS , France, with Prof. Tony Lelièvre.
My main project was to develop the first publicly available software implementation of the Generalized Parallel Replica (gen.parRep) algorithm.

Description of my Postdoc projects


From September 11 to December 15, 2017, I participated to the “Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes” Long program, organized by IPAM, UCLA, Los Angeles.

The following link describes the research program and some of the project I have initiated there:

IPAM EL2017 program and projects

PhD (UniBas)

From October 2011 to October 2016 I worked as a PhD student at the University of Basel, Switzerland, with Prof. Markus Meuwly. I used computational chemistry tools to address physical, chemical and biochemical problems. In the following page you will find a brief description and materials for projects on which I worked or I am still working on :

Description of my PhD projects